domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2017

19 Retos cumplidos / 19. Challenges fullfit

Video de los 100 retos para ser feliz: 
Video of the 100 challenges to be happy are:

Hola! Hacer por pocos lo que podríamos hacer por todos. Algo por mi misma. Un estilo de vida. Nosotros influimos en cada foto, en cada video, en cada palabra, en cada chiste. Talvez lo que doy parece poco, pero daré mi parte con generosidad.
Hello! I am doing something for few people such as we could do for everyone. Something for myself. A style of life. We influence in each photo, each video, each word, each joke. Maybe, which I give seems little, but I will give my share with generosity.

1. High five a stranger 1. Darle hi5 a un extraño   

2. Write a book...or a post on a blog 2. Escribe un libro o un blog
Video español:

3. Use a wheelchair in a hospital, playing- 3. Jugar a usar una silla de ruedas en un hospital

4. Send a message in a bottle 4. Mandar un mensaje en una botella

5. Find a place which is "your special place" 5. Encuentra un lugar que es "tu lugar especial"

6.Ir a aguas térmales volcánicas 6. Go to volcanic thermal waters

7. Go whale watching 7. Ir a un avistamiento de ballenas

8.Work in my spiritual life  8.Trabajar en mi vida espiritual

9. Run a marathon 9. Correr en una maratón

10. Drink alone in a pub 10. Tomar solo en un bar

11. Attend a music festival 11. Ir a un festival de música

12. Apoyar a un a un concierto de ópera 12. Support an artist ... go to an opera concert.

13.Ir a un festival de la cerveza 13. Go to a beer festival

14. Throw a neighbor party  14. Hacer una fiesta de vecinos
15. Kiss a stranger 15. Besar a un extraño

16. Watch a sunset and write down your personal mission statement 16. Ver una puesta de sol y escribe su propia misión de declaración personal.

17. Plant a tree, or two 17. Plantar un árbol o dos

18. Go on an African safari 18. Ir a un Safari

19. Party during 3 days in a row 19. Andar de fiesta 3 dias consecutivos

Myfundtravel 100 challenges to be happy

Hello, I am Alexandra. In instagram, I am profelove

The March 28, 2017 I started with a poster of 100 challenges to be happy in a year. I did it because a friend of mine committed suicide because he was not happy and he was desperate. Then in his memory, I want to promote ideas or activities that can be done to promote getting out of the routine and stress of our normal life. I am travel with my son and I have a great company in my travels. I have more than 20 challenges fulfilled, but in my last trip to Sweden to see the boreal auroras, I am broken, without money to finish this project. However, if you help me to fund this idea, I can finish this project.
I had made around more that 20 challenges, for example, I have seen hot balloons, I made a neighbor party, I handled a dog sled, I kissed a stranger. But I'm missing another 80 challenges in about 156 days. The challenge began on March 28, 2017 and ends on March 28, 2018.
Some challenges can be changed or added. If you want, you can suggest some challenge that you think could be added to the list.
If you fund me, I can share with you my videos of every challenge. Also, at the end of the 100 challenges I want to write a book that I would like to share with you. Please accompany me to travel online and make of our lives a bit more happier.